Get Certified with MMI!

Students who complete the Moving Mountain Institute (MMI) Foundations and Advanced Integrations Craniosacral Therapy (CST) trainings are eligible to complete the certification option.

Becoming certified emphasizes to your clients or patients your commitment to your studies. Increasingly, we see folks claiming that they practice CST when their only exposure was a short unit in massage school. Certification highlights your commitment to the work.

With one-year to complete the certification program, it begins with independent study of the content from Modules I-V as review. You'll then have time with MMI Facilitators to assess your skills and refine your approach as you complete practice logs and prepare case studies. The certification program culminates in a final practical exam.

Craniosacral Therapy Foundations Training

Please note this certification DOES NOT supersede any state licensure requirements wherever you may be practicing. As a touch modality, Craniosacral Therapy typically falls under the regulation of individual state massage licensing boards. In some states, Craniosacral Therapy is exempt from licensing requirements. It is the responsibility of each individual completing the certification track to ensure they are practicing within the rules and regulations of their state.

Course Curriculum

    1. Cransiosacral Therapy | Certification Welcome

    2. Craniosacral Therapy | Certification Details

    1. MODULE I | Study Guide

    2. MODULE I | Quiz – Part A

    3. MODULE I | Quiz – Part B

    1. MODULE II | Study Guide

    2. MODULE II | Quiz – Part A

    3. MODULE II | Quiz – Part B

    1. MODULE III | Study Guide

    2. MODULE III | Quiz – Part A

    3. MODULE III | Quiz – Part B

    1. MODULE IV | Study Guide

    2. MODULE IV | Quiz – Part A

    3. MODULE IV | Quiz – Part B

    1. MODULE V | Study Guide

    2. MODULE V | Quiz – Part A

    3. MODULE V | Quiz – Part B

Certification Requirements

  • Skills Check with 1:1 feedback
  • Case Studies with 1:1 review
  • Practical Exam

Get Certified!

Take your skills to the next level. Receive one-on-one feedback as you hone your skills and refine your approach.

MMI CST Certification Requirements

When you register for certification you will be granted access to the entire CST online Curriculum, including demonstration videos. You will retain access during the 12 months you have to complete your certification. 

Step 1: Complete CST Foundations and Advanced Integration Trainings

Step 2: Register

Register and complete payment for the certification track. There are no refunds once you have completed registration for the certification track.

Step 3: Independent Study

Complete independent study of all CST training Modules I-V and submit corresponding quizzes. There will be a quiz associated with each module to ensure participants are understanding key concepts and principles. Meaningful anatomical relationships will also be covered in the quizzes. This is an opportunity for you to ground into the conceptual and anatomical understandings that are the core of our work. Quizzes will be administered through our online learning platform, Thinkific. Certification track participants must pass the quiz for each module in order to complete this step.

Step 4: Skills Check

Complete a skills check with MMI facilitator.

Upon completion of step 3, certification track participants must schedule time for a skills check with an MMI CST facilitator to review each of the techniques learned in each of the 5 modules. This is an opportunity to continue to refine your skills and also make sure to catch any misunderstandings that may exist. Participants are expected to prepare for the skills check through review as well as completion of the previous step.

Step 5: Practice Session Logs

Complete and submit logs of 10 practice sessions.

Practitioners must submit a log (template provided) for each of the 10 practice treatments. Each log will include:

  • Chief complaints of person receiving the session
  • Initial findings on palpation of CSR
  • Ideas of what you wanted to focus on
  • Treatment flow and any significant findings or changes as you went through your treatment progression
  • Any feedback from the person receiving treatment

Step 6: Case Studies and Treatment Sessions

Complete and submit (5) case studies with (5) treatment sessions each & review with facilitator. Each case study will comprise 5 treatments on the same person. Write ups will be similar in format to the above with the addition of including changes in any symptoms being treated and any changes in how the CS system presents.

  • Chief complaints of person receiving the session
  • Initial findings on palpation of CSR
  • Ideas of what you wanted to focus on
  • Treatment flow and any significant findings or changes as you went through your treatment progression.
  • Any feedback from the person receiving treatment

Step 7: Practical Exam

Successfully complete a final practical exam with an MMI facilitator.

The practical exam will involve a complete treatment and include a post-treatment debrief. If the facilitator has any concerns about the work, the participant will be given specific guidance on what to work on and a follow-up treatment may need to be scheduled with an additional expense to the participant.